martes, 13 de septiembre de 2016

Error Analysis Chart

Did it help me?

This exercise really helped me to understand the importance of being really careful at the time of writing. Probably because most of the times I tend to let the program microsoft word does the work for me. If I do not see the red line under a word, I consider that my phrase is correct. This is why I will try to do my best and I will try to avoid as many mistakes as possible.

How did it help me?

When I was completing the chart I realized that I committed a lot of mistakes. Now I am more conscious if I am not using the correct preposition or the inflections -ed. Also, this exercise helped me to remember grammar rules I had forgotten. As a future teacher I need to be awared of these rules, because if I do not correct myself now, I can be in the embarrassing situation that I will speak as the way I write.

How did I feel after doing the exercise?

I felt really surprised because I have not noticed those mistakes, but I felt happy because I had the chance to correct them and explain. I did not feel bad, otherwise; I would not take the time to correct myself and share what I learned.

Would I do this with my students?

I would definitely do this with my students. Several times teachers just put a grade and they do not provide feedback or an explanation of students’ mistakes. I know that it is a lot of work for the teacher to correct all students’ works; however, this exercise will help my students to be awared of what they write.

This is my chart

(spot the mistake in the sentence or phrase and highlight the correct and incorrect part )

I wrote…
I must have written …, because.

1-      It was not in my plans to continue study

2-      I loved the experience but I never imagined that someday I will be working as a teacher.

3-      I’m in the age where I look myself 

4-      Just because they had not lived and storing experiences.

5-      If I have students who have difficulty in remember what they did 

6-      and they will be force to use

7-      they will be force to 

8-      they will be force to

1-      It was not in my plans to continue studying. (The verb needed to be conjugated in the present progressive form).

2-        I loved the experience but I never imagined that someday I would be working as a teacher. (The auxiliary would change the tense of the verb, it is not “will” because I’m not making reference to the future).

3-      I’m at the age where I look at myself (the preposition “at” it is used to specify a specific time, in this case “age”).

4-      Just because they had not lived and stored experiences. (“had” in this sentence is referred to past perfect tense, all the verbs need to be in the past participle form)

5-      If I have students who have difficulty remembering what they did. (The verb needs to be conjugated in the present progressive form).

6-      and they will be forced to use (force is a noun, but with the past form inflection –ed, it is now a verb)

7-      they will be forced to (force is a noun, but with the past form inflection –ed, it is now a verb)

8-      they will be forced to (force is a noun, but with the past form inflection –ed, it is now a verb)

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